After a rainy day, what checks should be performed on the air compressor to ensure it can be restarted safely?
Sep 14 , 2024

After a rainy day, to ensure the safe restart of the air compressor, the following checks should be performed:

1.Power supply check: Confirm that the power supply indicator light is on, measure the motor insulation resistance, and ensure that the value is greater than 1MΩ. Check whether the power supply voltage is normal, whether the wiring is firm, and whether the grounding is good.

2.Water accumulation inspection: Check whether there is water accumulation inside the air compressor, especially the lower part of the oil and gas tank, and drain the water in time.

3.Oil level check: Check whether the lubricating oil level is within the specified range, whether the oil is clean, and whether the oil pump is operating normally.

4.Air filter: Check that the air filter is clean and not blocked to ensure smooth air circulation.

5.Cooling system: For water-cooled air compressors, check whether the cooling water is sufficient and circulated normally; for air-cooled air compressors, check whether the radiator is clean and the fan is running.

6.Safety devices: Check whether safety devices such as safety valves and pressure switches are sensitive and reliable.

7.Connections: Check all pipe connections and fasteners to see if they are tight and leak-free.

8.Valve: Check whether the intake valve, exhaust valve, minimum pressure valve, etc. can be opened and closed freely.

9.Instruments: Check whether the pressure gauge, temperature gauge and other instruments are accurate.

10.Emergency stop button: Check whether the emergency stop button is in operable state.

After completing the above inspections and confirming that everything is normal, the air compressor can be started. During the startup process, you should also listen for any abnormal sounds and observe for leaks or other abnormal phenomena. If any abnormality is found, the machine should be stopped immediately and further inspection and maintenance should be carried out.

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